PDF Notes C (universal app for iPhone & iPad)
Version 13.1.0
On September 27, 2019, Apple finishes the review of version 13.1.0 of PDF Notes C and it became Ready for Sale.
As iOS updates to 13.1, on September 26, 2019, I uploaded version 13.1.0 of PDF Notes C to App Store.
On September 23, 2019, I uploaded version 13.0.0 of PDF Notes C to App Store and it became Waiting for Review. After Apple finishes its review, it will be Ready for Sale.
App Store https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1459073729
Apps not developed by Apple can't recognize 3 or 4 fingers gestures in iOS 13.0. Since iOS 13.1, they are recognized correctly.
PDF Notes C is a sister app of PDF Notes S that excludes cache to reduce CPU, memory, battery usages, and cache storage.
PDF Notes C gives you a 2 pages viewer with horizontal/vertical scroll, and cache for fast page turns, and thumbnail scrollbar.
PDF Notes C gives you ZIP Preview, Quick Look of documents, images, music, videos, and etc.
PDF Notes C gives you Document Browser so that you can organize all your files very easily.
PDF Viewer
- 1 page or 2 pages, horizontal or vertical fast page turns
- Scroll or turn pages by tap on sides
- 8 handwriting tools that you can adjust color and line width
- Horizontal or vertical thumbnail scrollbar
- PDF outlines, bookmarks, and annotations list
- PDF search
- Cache manager supports 3 modes, permanent cache, automatic cache, and no cache
- PDF creation and assembly (move/rotate/insert/remove pages)
Quick Look, ZIP Preview
- iWork documents, Office documents
- Images, Music, PiP Videos
- Without Unzip, preview ZIP contents (password may be requested if locked)
NOTE: All content contained herein is subject to change without notice.
PDF Notes S (universal app for iPhone & iPad)
Version 13.1.0
On September 27, 2019, Apple finishes the review of version 13.1.0 of PDF Notes S and it became Ready for Sale.
As iOS updates to 13.1, on September 26, 2019, I uploaded version 13.1.0 of PDF Notes S to App Store.
On September 23, 2019, I uploaded version 13.0.0 of PDF Notes S to App Store and it became Waiting for Review. After Apple finishes its review, it will be Ready for Sale.
App Store https://itunes.apple.com/app/id961336139
This version added a PDF creation & assembly (rotate/insert/remove page), and supports iOS 13 dark mode.
BTW, apps not developed by Apple can't recognize 3 or 4 fingers gestures in iOS 13.0. Since iOS 13.1, they are recognized correctly.
pdf-notes for iPad
version 3.13.0
On September 27, 2019, 3.13.0 paid version of pdf-notes for iPad became Ready for Sale.
On September 26, 2019, Apple finished the review of 3.13.0 of pdf-notes for iPad and free version became Ready for Sale. Paid version will be available in a few days if there is no significant bug found at the free version.
On September 23, 2019, I uploaded 3.13.0 of pdf-notes for iPad to App Store and it became Waiting for Review. After Apple finishes its review, it will be Ready for Sale.
Paid version at http://itunes.apple.com/app/id417200844
Free version at http://itunes.apple.com/app/id391487223
This version supports iPadOS 13 dark mode.
For more information, please check "what's new article"
Easy & Speedy... and Finger-Writing Notes...
pdf-notes for iPhone
version 1.13.0
On September 27, 2019, Apple finished the review of 1.13.0 of pdf-notes for iPhone and it became Ready for Sale.
On September 23, 2019, I uploaded 1.13.0 of pdf-notes for iPhone to App Store and it became Waiting for Review. After Apple finishes its review, it will be Ready for Sale.
Download at https://itunes.apple.com/app/id694946243
This version supports iOS 13 dark mode.
For more information, please check "what's new article"
Easy & Speedy... and Finger-Writing Notes...