Note: The following description is out-of-date.
Cross license description was modified here since PDF Notes C app was released. (PDF Notes C is a sister app of PDF Notes S that excludes cache to reduce CPU, memory, battery usages, and cache storage.)
Cross license (1) - pdf-notes for iPad license will
- give you ads removal from pdf-notes for iPad (iap) - lifetime
- give you ads removal from pdf-notes for iPhone - lifetime
- give you ads removal from PDF Notes S & PDF Notes C - until 31/12/2019 (changeable without notice)
Cross license (2) - pdf-notes for iPad (iap) license will
- give you ads removal from pdf-notes for iPhone - lifetime
- give you ads removal from PDF Notes S & PDF Notes C - until 31/12/2019 (changeable without notice)
Cross license (3) - pdf-notes for iPhone license will
- give you ads removal from PDF Notes S & PDF Notes C - until 31/12/2019 (changeable without notice)
Cross license (S) - PDF Notes S license will
- give you ads removal from PDF Notes C - lifetime
Note-1: When you run any app with a license, its cross license will be registered to iCloud on the Internet. After then, ads will be removed when other apps check the cross licenses from iCloud on the Internet. Cross license is temporary so that you may need to run apps including license at least once a month.
Note-2: Cross license is available for pdf-notes for iPad 3.13.2 version or after, pdf-notes for iPad (iap) 3.13.2 version or after, pdf-notes for iPhone 1.13.2 version or after, PDF Notes S 13.1.2 version or after, PDF Notes C 13.1.2 version or after.
(For your information)
8 years ago, pdf-notes had been developed for iOS 3.0 so that there have been some difficulties to adapt new technologies of newer iOS versions. We had to develop one for iPad and the other for iPhone because universal app for both was impossible at that time, do some difficult works to convert from 32 bit engine to 64 bit, failed to adapt some new technologies including split views, etc.
Therefore, we have developed PDF Notes S to adapt new technologies of recent iOS versions to the existing pdf-notes technologies; now it supports PDF 2 pages viewer, split views, multiple windows, seamless fast page turning and quick zoom, etc.
Thank you.
PDF Notes S app
PDF Notes C app
pdf-notes for iPad paid version app
pdf-notes for iPad (iap) free version app
pdf-notes for iPhone app
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