On 16th Dec., Kim, Dae Jin, the world famous pianist, gave the finale stage of his "Mozart Complete Piano Concerto Series" which continued for 3 years. It was a fantastic concert. MuseBook electronic score successfully supported his 2-hour-long concert. The audience was full of admiration by his concert and the MuseBook electronic score on two Tablet PCs.
AMusTec was listed in the Major PCT Applicants from Developing Countries in 2002.
According to the record of international applications under the PCT received by the International Bureau of WIPO, AMuseTec has applied 6 PCTs during the calendar year 2002, and was ranked as Top No. 56.
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (India) and Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. (Rep. of Korea) ranked No. 1 with 184 PCT applications.
AMuseTec is the world's first provider of electronic score, musebook score that listens and turns the pages automatically. AMuseTec is specialized in electronic score based on music recognition technology and is determined to remain on the cutting edge in this field.