Thursday, February 2, 2023

how to use musebook m2 digital style tuning features

To switch to the tuning screen, press the tuning fork button located on the top right. To return to the metronome screen, press the same button again.

musebook metronome m2 digital style tuning fork button
musebook metronome m2 digital style tuning fork button

Adjust the reference note by pressing the ▼ or ▲ buttons.

The reference note range supported by musebook metronome m2 is A0 to C8.

You can easily adjust the reference note by holding down the ▼ or ▲ buttons.

Adjust the frequency of A4 by pressing the pitch button.

The frequency range of A4 supported by musebook metronome m2 is 440Hz ~ 445Hz.

You can easily adjust the frequency of A4 by holding down the pitch button.

Press the instrument button to change the reference note instrument (sine wave, guitar, piano).

You can mute the reference note sound by pressing the mute button at the lower right.

my lifelong musical companion, musebook m2

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